Is coaching right for me?

The work we will do together is not about finding a way to escape from pain- it’s about about courageously facing your pain, embracing it even, as you grow to own your life and your story- not run from it.

I am not the expert on your life or your story. You are. This is your journey, and my role will be to show you proven strategies that really work so that you can catalyze courage and find healing and breakthrough from even the hardest parts of your story.

You are not alone. I will be with you every step of the way. Throughout my own healing and personal journey through infertility and recurrent pregnancy loss, I have connected with so many women who share same feelings you may be feeling- feelings of hopelessness, frustration, self-doubt, anxiety, anger, jealousy, pain, weariness, and despair. I know it’s a rocky journey. I know sometimes you wonder if this will truly break you. I am here to tell you that it won’t- at least, it doesn’t have to. You have survived 100% of your hardest days so far. You can do this, and you don’t have to do this alone. We can all do hard things- especially together.

Just imagine what it would feel like...

… to loosen your white-knuckled grip around NEEDING to get/stay pregnant and transform that NEED into a healthy and happy desire.

…to actually forget what day of your cycle it is because you’re content with your life and your circumstances and can find joy just being in the present.

…to freely connect and BE with your partner without feeling the pressure of making love feeling forced, timed, or pressured.

…to feel worthy of love and happiness RIGHT NOW, even while you’re not yet pregnant and still very much want to have a baby.

…to be so into your purpose-filled life that your experiences with infertility and loss no longer define and consume you.

Right now, you have two choices.

Choice number one:

You can keep trying to run from your pain or find an escape from your life or your circumstance and continue running in the same circle feeling trapped and stuck. I know sometimes this choice seems like it’s the “easier” choice. I’ve been there in my own journey. But, I can promise you in the long run, it’s actually not the easier choice at all. Living in pain and in a chronic state of burnout that effects every part of your life is much more exhausting than the alternative.

Choice number two:

You can decide today that you are ready to start moving forward in your journey with even just one tiny mustard seed of faith. If that feels really scary, just pause for one moment and take a big deep breath.

Inhale… Exhale…

Now do it again.

Inhale… Exhale…

Now, say this out loud: “I give myself permission to stop running. I choose to take a small, courageous step forward today.”

Congratulations. You just took your first step.